Kite Club Maui

Aloha and thank you for visiting Action Sports Maui Kite Club Maui. Specializing in watersports instruction for all ages and levels. From beginners to advanced surfers, SUPers, Kiters or Windsurfers we will tailor a rental or lesson program that is perfect for you!!! Visit us at for more information.
Aloha and see you on the water!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Waveriding Right of Way Rules

We had our first big swell of the season last week.  We can now expect swell after swell all winter long with some huge surf.  With that being said, here are the Right Of Way rules for waveriding with your kite. This post in inspired by the guy I encountered the other day in the waves, I was riding a wave, he was riding out into the surf, actually he was looking over his shoulder towards  the beach, he then looked at me and screamed "F--K You" right at my face. Obviously this guy does not know the right of way rules!! 
There is a special set of Waveriding Rules that help clarify what to do in the waves. these rules are applied in order, example, "First to catch the wave" rule, has priority over "rider closest to the peak" rule, or, "upwind rider rule". So the kiter who catches the wave first has priority over a kiter who catches the wave after, but is upwind or closer to the peak.

The outgoing Kiteboarder gives way to the incoming kiteboarder. Situation: When riding out through the surf you are going to cross paths with the incoming kiter on the wave.Definition: In a wave area, the rules apply. The kiter coming in is riding the wave. and collision is imminent. The outgoing Kiter must give way,and not ruin the incoming kiters ride (or put him in jeopardy).
What to do:  The outgoing kiter should avoid riding out through the peak (waveriding zone). If you cannot go around the zone, then you must either stop, steer around, or go the other way to avoid the kiter riding the wave. It depends which way the kiter is riding the wave.

The first kiteboarder to catch a wave, has the wave. Situation: two kites are trying to catch the same wave.Definition: The kiter who is up and riding in on the face of wave. The first kiter to ride the wave has the wave. Usually the one who went  farther out to catch the wave.
What to do: The kiter on the wave first continues to ride the wave, the other kiter can go back out, or kick out ahead of the wave to let the other kiter ride through. keep an eye o the other kiter so you can anticipate his intentions. the kilter on the wave may ride upwind or downwind, it is their choice.

Where two kiteboarders catch the wave at the same time, the kiteboarder closest to the peak has the wave. Situation: When two kiters catch the same wave at the same time.Definition: The peak of the wave is the part of the crest the breaks first. Then as the wave progresses it is the tallest and steepest part of the wave between the open face of the wave and the whitewater.
What to do: The kiter riding closest to the peak should ride the rave. The other kiter that is farther out on the shoulder should keep clear, or get off the wave.

When there is no distinct peak, the upwind kiteboarder has the wave. Situation: Two kiters turn onto a wave at the same time.Definition, when two kiters catch the wave at exactly the same time, the upwind rider has the wave.
What to do: When you have caught the wave with another rider the downwind kiter yields the wave to the upwind kiter. By either turning off the wave, or kicking out ahead of the wave. Keep eye contact with the other guy so you know their intention.

Written by: David Dorn, owner of Action Sports Maui and IKO Examiner 

2011 NAISH 2011 Kiteboarding - Intro Video

Here is the Naish 2011 video featuring Surf, Windsurf and Kiteboarding gear! Check out all the 2011 goods!!! We love the kites, the Bolts and Parks fly awesome! Looking foward to trying out some stand-up boards soon.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Hooked on Kiteboarding

Yesterday a kiter was riding in at Ka'a Point with fishermen on the point. He had a line cast at him and got the fishing hook stuck in his kite leash.  Usually the fishermen will respect that a kiter is in the area, other times not. Either way the fishermen always have the right of way and we need to avoid them.  The rule is Kiteboarders give way to fishermen. That means if there is a fisherman on the beach, you launch somewhere else. If someone is fishing at the water’s edge, you should also not sail through their lines or close to their lines. The area where they are casting is a no-go zone. Do not fly or ride into their fishing window just as you would not sail into another kiter’s wind window. Often people will be fishing from the rocks at the pro pool. When this happens we have to avoid their fishing area. And the area becomes the “fishing pool” instead for a while. We do not own the beach. Fishermen have been using this area for generations and we need to respect them and share the areas with them. Sharing in this case means avoiding them, and giving them their turn. Keep in mind how much area they might need to fish both physically for their lines and gear, but also so you do not scare away their dinner. Give them a wide safety buffer, and ride somewhere else for a while.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Action Sports Maui - Kite Beach T-Shirts

We now have cool Action Sports Maui - Kite Beach Maui T-shirts. Here is our friend Tom from Hood River modeling our latest design!

New North Shore Web Cam

We now have a web cam at Kuau Beach on the North Shore with views of Lanes and Ho'okipa Beach Park. Check out the real time beach action and see the surfers and windsurfers at Ho'okipa and kiteboarders at Lanes!!

Mama's web cam view